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But for a few books in English, this page is mostly about books in Danish. And you can read much more about my Danish books here

Serving the World - 15 months for the UN

eBook and paperback in English available!


Mogens and I have written a book on our experiences at the United Nations and in New York. Mostly on why the UN is necessary and how  the organisation is our best bet if we are to leave a sustainable and peaceful planet to coming generations. The UN is a massive organisation, not every effort succeeds, on the contrary, but it is our common meeting point, and in recent years the world has managed to agree on the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the climate agreement in Paris in 2015. The US election campaign served as a bizarre backdrop to our stay. The book has been well received in Denmark, and we hope the same for the English version. Read an excerpt or  two in Huffington Post.                Bestil den danske udgave

A New Dynasty - Created in China

(in Danish, English and Chinese)

I am proud to have contributed an essay, Art in China - an Effervescent Battlegound to this very beautiful publication which accompanied a brilliant exhibition of contemporary Chinese art at ARoS Museum. Over 20 of China's finest artists were represented. Sadly, but quite understandbly, Ai Weiwei withdrew his contribution to protest against the Danish government's new restrictive politics towards refugees. 240 pages, 160 with gorgeous colour prints and portraits from the exhibition.

Read more on the exhibition

Mongoliet - stemmer fra steppen (in Danish)

ISBN: 978-87-7118-593-5         

​The Mongolians are celebrating 25 years of democratic journey. I have followed them all the way - seen how they dismantled the statues of Stalin and Lenin, struggled from planned to private economy. It´s been a bumpy road, but the will to suceed is strong. The book aims at raising awareness of the wonderful nation and the Mongolians' commitment to democracy and to life, their hospitality, resilience, their love and understanding  of nature. Very nice review in Danish.

Press release in Danish
Dagbog fra Beijing (Beijing Diary)

25 years have passed since young enthusiastic Chinese demonstrated massively in Beijing, staged by young, demanding a greater say in decision-making and an end to corruption. For seven turbulent and emotional weeks I witnessed events, reporting daily for Danish TV , as well as in my far more personal account, Beijing Diary. I often think of the events - about the people I met, the audacious students and the support from Beijing’s citizens, about my Chinese journalist colleagues’ brief taste of freedom of expression, the sense of fellowship, and the colossal energy that drove the insurrection. This is my personal account and assessment of developments from then until today in China. Send me a note if you would like some excerpts in English.

Openness and Access to Information -
Your Key to Public Affairs

ISBN-87-91836-20- 4

​I was happy with this assignment! Access to information is in itself a human right, as well as a lever for implementing other human rights. No right can be claimed by a citizen who doesn't know her or his rights. Access to Information provides this knowledge. and enables citizens to keep an eye on elected representatives and civil servants; do politicians keep their promises? Do civil servants offer required services to the public? The best way to monitor the administration is through constructive dialogue.

Download for free in English &/or Arabic.

Vision of my Life

ISBN 978-87-992274-0-2

​Testimony of 43 Copenhagen-citizens’ lives. The youngest participant is a school girl, the oldest a retired sailor. Generously, they have contributed to this Copenhagen mosaic by photographing their daily life with an instant camera:  “My Work,” “My best Outfit,” “My Kitchen,”  “My Neighbourhood” and more. The photographs capture a brief moment in the history of Copenhagen.

Download below (for free) in Danish and English

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